Portugal is the second safest country in the EU and the fourth safest in the world
Every year, the Institute for Economics and Peace releases the list of the world’s safest and least safe countries, gauging each country’s score through 23 indicators related to security and conflict.
In 2021, Portugal fell one position concerning the previous year, occupying the fourth place among the safest countries in the world and the second in the European Union. Our country is only behind Iceland, New Zealand and Denmark, with whom it exchanged positions.
The study by the Institute for Economics and Peace drew attention to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on world peace, causing a wave of tension and uncertainty. Still, Portugal’s assessment is very positive and even more valued in a difficult year marked by a pandemic. The Portuguese Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, also pointed out that in many countries, conflicts and criminality have increased given the pandemic situation.
The fact that Portugal is consecutively considered one of the safest countries in the world is proof of the quality of life of the Portuguese and a competitive advantage over other countries. This is also one of the reasons why Portugal is chosen every year by many foreign investors as a housing destination.