How to set up a guest room and office in the same room
Having friends and family at home is a pleasure for many people. Anyone who has the opportunity to have an extra room available to receive guests is sure to want to make it comfortable for their visits. However, this extra division does not always exist or, when it does, it must have a double function.
In many cases, and especially since telecommuting has become a routine for the Portuguese, this extra room also serves as an office. Our proposal today is to show you that your guest room can easily be transformed into a multifunctional room that also serves as an office.
Bet on multifunctional furniture
The needs of a bedroom and an office are different. However, betting on versatile furniture can help you facilitate the work routine while bringing comfort to your guests.
Choose a sofa bed or a bed against the wall that opens to a double bed, saving space in the bedroom/office and also serving as a sofa during the day.
Favor a long table or desk top, which can be a workstation for two people and at the same time a coffee table for your guests’ bags and belongings. Desks with drawers can also be useful to store both your office items and your guests’ belongings. A tip we give you is to leave a drawer free for your guests if they stay for a while.
Versatile decoration
The decoration can also be designed to allude to both functions of the room. Furniture in neutral tones, decorative pillows and paintings on the walls and above the bed can give your room a more modern and less “room” feel, leaving an equally cozy atmosphere. If you have space, you can still bet on an armchair and a comfortable and beautiful rug.
The lighting needs of an office and a bedroom are a little different, but that’s not why it’s impossible to plan a great all-in-one room.
Place your workstation by the window, getting as much light as possible during the day. Also bet on a table lamp, which can be used for working nights or as a reading lamp in the event of visitors.
Above all, don’t forget to prioritize what will make your daily life easier. If you work from home all year long and only receive guests a few times a year, focus on the functionality of your office and add some elements that will make your guest’s stay more comfortable.