5 popular parties in Matosinhos
Most Matosinhos’ festivals are related to religion and origin from traditions related to faith in the saints. The most popular festivals of Matosinhos are the most anticipated moments of the year for the locals, who follow the tradition by meeting for socializing and fun with friends and family.
Feast of the Lord of Matosinhos
The festival of Senhor de Matosinhos can be considered the largest of all festivals in the municipality. This celebration takes place between may and june, extending for almost three weeks of religious, cultural and sports activities. Accompanying the procession to Senhor do Padrão, bands fill the streets with traditional music, artisans show their work, fish and seafood recipes are shared and there are the burning dolls. In the evening, you can dine on the traditional green broth with roasted sardines and eat plenty while watching the magnificent firework display.
Feast of Senhora da Hora
The feast of Senhora da Hora also celebrated for religious reasons, takes place 40 days after Easter. On the previous Monday, there is a candle procession in the evening and three days later, on Thursday, thousands of people attend Mass and pay their promises in the chapel of Senhora da Hora, located in Parque das Sete Bicas. After the religious moments, the party continues with music, exhibitions, amusements, plentiful stalls where you can find the wonders of the city.
Feast of the Martyr of S. Sebastião
The festival of Mártir de S. Sebastião, held between the 19th and 21st of July, is a festival dedicated to fishermen. From the Church of Matriz to the docks, fishermen carry the patron of their patron saint, asking him for a calm sea with a lot of fish. After Mass on Sunday morning, there are a variety of shows and performances from folkloric ranches. The party ends with a big firework display.
Feast of S. Brás
Another religious festival in Matosinhos, this takes place in the parish of Santa Cruz do Bispo and celebrates S. Brás and Nossa Senhora do Livramento. On the first Sunday after the 2nd of February, there is a mass in the morning in the morning, accompanied by traditional stalls where you can eat and drink throughout the day. Around them, in the surrounding countryside, families picnic.
Procession of the Lord of the Steps
The Procession of Senhor dos Passos takes place on the fifth Sunday of Lent. Each andor, with images of Senhor dos Passos and Senhora da Soledad, have different paths, meeting in the Chapel of Corpo Santo.
Even though they are parties with religious origins, these popular parties in Matosinhos please everyone with the traditional songs, food and show that accompany them.