How to create a vegetable garden in an apartment
Nowadays, having a vegetable garden at home is a luxury: food that is always fresh, chemical-free, and grows healthily and according to the season. However, not everyone has this privilege, mainly because they feel they cannot afford it at home living in an apartment. Today we teach you how you can have a home garden with just a flowerbed and some pots.
The lack of a garden is no excuse not to have your own vegetable garden. You can create it with pots, flowerbeds, and even small reusable pots. The only requirement is that the pots you use have holes in the base to favor water runoff and prevent root rot. The soil should be large enough to accommodate the roots of the plants you choose. Herbs are generally more practical as they don’t need much space, while legumes require a larger and deeper field.
Natural light
Most vegetables need plenty of natural light to thrive. Creating your vegetable garden on a balcony will be ideal, but if you don’t have an outdoor space choose an area near a window that gets plenty of light and easy access for you.
What to plant?
First of all you should choose plants that you enjoy eating, for example your favorite vegetables. You should also take into account the conditions of the chosen space and the needs of the species. For example, aromatic plants need about five hours of direct sunlight daily, so there is no point in choosing to plant them unless you have that possibility.
Each plant in its place
Some plants can share a pot but others should stand alone. The mint, for example, has invasive roots that harm the other plants, and it must always be protected from winds and the soil must always be moist. If you have the opportunity, place each species in its own space and identify the pots with labels or plates, so that you can identify them more easily, especially in an initial phase.
Having a small vegetable garden at home is much less work than a garden on a large piece of land, and you will be able to grow what you like and eat the most, saving money and having access to organic and tastier vegetables. We hope these tips have been helpful!